So much fun this past week at Simcoe Fair!
– I met 4 babies that I predicted last year.
– I got an apology from a woman who stomped out angry with me last year, but told me I was correct after all predicting her house sale date.
– I connected several folks with their loved ones who are in spirit. Gave lots of relationship advice and helped a woman with finances for retirement. I gave tons of Gramma advice. I helped folks with tools to calm anxiety and to function when they had to.
– I walked through events in past lives and explained unexplained pain and repeated behaviors.
People cried, laughed and yes, got angry with me, but it was all real and I am so grateful.
So much fun! lol
Rusty and I got to gorge ourselves on Fair Food! Thank you JP BBQ, The Lion’s Club, and the ice cream guy…. I can’t remember your name!
I bought a new sock sweater winter coat and leg warmers. Rusty bought a new bike jacket and vest.
Thank you Terri for organizing the Vendors so well! We met some new forever friends across the isle…
Thank you to our old motor home for housing us for the week and a half.
Thank you to Claudia Dale (Your Soul’s Content) for visiting our booth, staying and fronting for me so Rusty could wander.
So good to see our friends and fellow event workers.
Frannie: We love you! Thanks for the shoe shines!
You each and everyone make this fair a wonderful experience!
See you next year!